CUHK Mobile


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CUHK Mobile aims at helping students, staff, alumni and visitors of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to know more about our University and get the latest campus updates anywhere anytime. By using your Android devices, you can access the following information easily:-Latest News and announcements-Campus Stories-Current and coming Events-Contact numbers of departments and units-Campus Map showing your current location and facilities nearby-Campus photos in the Gallery-Videos about CUHKAnd much more…
If you have any feedback or questions, please email us at
[email protected]
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CUHK Mobile為學生、教職員、校友及訪客提供本校的資料及最新消息。透過行動裝置開啟CUHK Mobile,就能夠隨時隨地獲得以下資訊:
如有查詢或意見,請傳送電郵至:[email protected]